Growing Anthurium

Anthurium Plant Care


Another name for the anthurium plant is called the Lady Jane, this is one Lady that is sure to get you excited with her beauty. The flowers of this plant come in many beautiful colors that can lighten up any area. I have worked with anthuriums over the years and have taken delight in bringing much-needed flavor to garden projects which gave that WOW.

The Lady Jane description

What I also love about this Lady is the charm that she brings with her beautiful glossy flowers and thick shiny leaves. The five-star resort where I was employed many years ago had both my team along with self-installed many of these plants throughout their garden areas including the interior.

A plant that stands alone

Lady Jane is a lady that has so much charm that she can stand all by herself and look just as radiant as ever. I have installed and use these plants as specimen plants although they can be planted in masses. So with this lady, you get the best of both worlds and I am sure you won’t mind a lady like that in your life which will just light up your life bringing much flavor and style.

With that said how do we grow and care for a lady such as this, you have come to the right place. Look no further as we take a closer look at how to grow, care for and keep this lady looking as charming as ever.

Growing anthurium

Here is what you will need to know to keep your lady looking radiant.

  • Location
  • Soil Type
  • Watering Methods
  • Fertilizing Methods
  • Garden insect pest
  • Plant Disease

Planting anthuriums outdoors


Although anthuriums are a tropical plant these garden beauties will not tolerate direct sunlight light. It is best to install your ladies in an area that gets bright indirect sunlight.

Soil Type

The preferred soil for anthuriums is a soil that is rich and has good drainage. This type of soil is important to hold the required water but will allow excess water to do drain through, also for proper air circulation.

Watering Methods

Anthuriums don’t like wet feet so it is important that you monitor how much water you are giving your plant. It is best to allow the soil to dry between watering and then water again. Ensure that the soil stays somewhat moist.

Fertilizing Methods

When it comes to fertilizing these garden babies it is good to use a fertilizer that is water-soluble or quick release. The fertilizer that we used to keep our anthurium growing and looking their best was triple twenty water-soluble. When using fertilizers read and follow the manufactures label because the label is the law.

Garden insect pests

As dazzling as this lady may be anthuriums has its share of insect pests which will seek to cause your lady to lose her charm. The insects which are responsible for this are.

  • Scales
  • Aphids
  • Tripes
  • Spider Mites
  • MealyBugs

These garden insect pests-cause damage by sucking the plant’s sap and secreting a sugary substance that is known as honeydew. This honeydew is sticky and causes molds to form on the leaves of your plant known as sooty mold which can have your garden plants looking sickly and can also interfere with photosynthesis which is the process by which a plant manufactures its food.

The use of insecticidal soap sprays has proven to give good results. Before using these soap sprays read and follow the manufactures label because the label is the law.

Plant Diseases

Lady Jane faces a few issues when it comes to planting disease but the good news is with some knowledge you can help your lady to bounce back or you can groom her in such a way to keep her growing healthy and happy, however, here are the diseases which seek to attack your lady.

  • Root Rot
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Anthracnose
  • Leaf Spot

Root Rot

To avoid root rot it is important that you install anthuriums in a rich soil that is well-drained, also avoid overwatering your plant. Follow the steps for watering as mentioned above and your lady will not fall to root rot and if by chance she does then applying a fungicide will offer some help.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a white substance that forms on the leaves of garden plants. To bring this disease under control applying neem oil may help, also if you are grouping anthurium in a garden bed give sufficient spacing for air circulation, remove infected plant parts and dispose of also applying organic fungicide may offer some help.


The plant’s leaves develop brown or yellow spots that are tiny and irregular. As the disease progress, these spots cover the entire leaves and also darkens in color. To avoid this disease do not water plants late in the evening because if the plant doesn’t have sufficient time to dry before night sets will encourage this disease.

As was discussed earlier, planting in well-drained soil is an added benefit for your plant. Remove infected plant parts and dispose of them, a copper-based fungicide may also offer some help. A good rule to follow when purchasing your plant, ensure that the plant is healthy too often many garden plants that are purchase is sickly which means you will not only be purchasing a plant but a plant that is sickly so take note.

Leaf Spot

A sign that your anthurium is getting too much water is yellowing and browning of the leaves which is a sign of rot root, removing infected plant parts, also changing the diseased soil to fresh healthy soil and treating with a fungicide will offer much help. Ensure that your plant is getting the right amount of fertilizer to help in controlling leaf spot and lastly remember what we discussed earlier that the leaves of anthuriums will get damaged from direct light so if your plant is located in direct light remove it and place in an area that is well lite without that direct light.

Growing anthuriums in containers

Another method of gardening successfully with anthuriums is with the help of containers, what I love about container gardenings is that your garden plants can be moved around from unfavorable condition so they can be protected. When growing anthuriums in containers the soil type should be the same as with planting outdoors. The containers should have drain holes to allow excess water to drain through also fertilize as directed above.

Growing anthuriums indoors

Anthuriums that are installed on the inside should be placed in an area that gets indirect light. If your plant is exposed to direct light there is a chance that the foliage ( leaves) will be burnt, I have seen this happened a few times before. The leaves of the anthurium have a natural shine. Applying warm soapy water to a soft cloth and gently cleaning the leaves of your lady will help her to keep her glow.

The container should have drain holes for excess water to escape, fertilizing your plant with a water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season is sufficient. Containers should also have a saucer to catch the water. The saucer should also be emptied of this water.

Anthurium Poisoning

What I want to touch on here not to discourage you is that anthuriums have been known to cause poisoning if the leaves and the sap are chewed and swallowed. Anthurium is said to contain crystals, it is these calcium oxalates crystals that are responsible for this so if you are planning on making this lady a part of your life ensure that they are out of reach of children and pets.

The final word

The lady Jane can surely rock your world with her beauty. This plant, in my opinion, is what I call a show stopper and can be installed both out and indoors giving you amazing results so if you are looking for a lady to brighten up your world then the anthurium is here to serve you as you’re dazzled by her beauty and charm so go ahead and give this lady a chance as she displays and shines so radiantly.


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About the author

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Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.

12 thoughts on “Growing Anthurium”

  1. Hi Norman,

    Thanks for providing this advice on growing Anthurium, you’ve been extremely in depth in terms of what is ideally required.  I live in the UK, what sort of climate do you need to grow Anthurium? Will the UK climate be appropriate or do you think I’ll need something like a green house?

    • Hello so happy to hear from you. The anthurium plant is pretty amazing. These plants love tropical conditions so remember even in the UK install them in an area that gets bright indirect light beside meeting those other requirements and you will be just found. A greenhouse will do just fine. Have a wonderful day.

  2. What a way beautiful way to personify a plant. Yes ANTHURIUM is a plant that everyone will want to have in his life. She promises so much beauty and splendour. Nature is a free gift from God unto us. Hence this is gift from God to us to add flavour to our life.  I also appreciate the fact that you taught us how to take good and perfect care of this flower. Your article has encouraged me to have great perspective and beautiful approach to beautiful creatures of God. Thanks. 

    • Hello so happy that I could help and you are right. These plants are Gods gift to us. So happy that I could help. All the best of success and have a good day.

  3. I love how precise and in depth your article is.  My wife is really trying hard to have a green thumb while living in an apartment.  The living in an apartment part can be a bit challenging at times for her.

    Maybe this is a dumb question but for her I need to ask.  i see that it can be grown indoors but can it be grown in any season even though its indoors.

    Thank you for taking the time for this article.  I will watch for your answer and pass this on to my wife.  Im sure she is going to be delighted.


    • Hello Dale so happy to hear from you and it is so great to see how you are helping your wife with her garden projects. And no it is not a dumb question that is how we all learn in life by asking questions. As long as their growing requirements are meant indoors you will have success. Just follows this link and please let me know how it goes. All the best to you and have a good day.   https://gardenofedengardencent

  4. This is a beautiful plant with a fitting name! The Lady Jane is just the right amount of elegance for this flower. I have seen these plants many times in greenhouses and tropical countries that I have visited. It’s a shame that I can’t grow them outdoors in my area because it is way too cold here in Idaho! But I may be able to grow one indoors! Thanks for the plant description and tips!

    • Hello, Mariah so happy to hear from you. Having these ladies as a part of your life is pretty amazing. Anthurium grows great indoors so I am wishing you all the best with your garden project and please let me know how it goes. All the best to you and have a good day.

  5. Dear Norman,

    After a while I am back on your site.

    I really appreciate all the research & hard work you put into creating this helpful article. It’s dished out to us freely but it cost you a lot. 

    Often my grand parents use to mention “Watching movies is not our entertainment Gardening is our entertainment” So I have a great love on Gardening and I try different things in my garden.

    After reading your thorough post on growing Anthurium the beauty lady I am going to try it. I really enjoyed the content and in the manner that you presented.

    Wishing you much Success!


    • Hello, again Paul and thanks a million for those kind words and you are so right much research along with my many years of experience goes into writing these posts only because I want my viewers such as yourself to have the best information ever which can help you to be a success at those garden projects.

      It is so good that you have a great love for this hobby that is so beneficial. So happy that I could help. All the best to you and have a good day.

  6. Thank you for your in-depth post (a very enjoyable read) on these beautiful plants.  Having recently moved to Florida, I am interested in learning more about tropical plants, and trying my hand at raising some.  Much appreciated is your warning about the danger to children and pets–very important to many.  I have four dogs, but they don’t have access to the front yard, so I am considering that location for a few of these plants.

    I have bookmarked your site for future reference, and look forward to reading a number of the posts you have included, as well as future posts.

    Best wishes,


    • Hello, Joejr so happy to hear from you and I am so happy that I could help. Wishing you all the best with moving to Flordia. Yes as far as children and pets are concerned we know they can be very curious at times and the last thing we want is for them to put this plant in their mouths that spells trouble.

      It is good to hear that you have an enclosed area that why you can have these tropical beauties. Please let me know how you’re garden projects go. All the best to you and have a good day.


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